Mars which occupies fourth spot in planetary transit According to astrology, Mars (मंगल) which is also named or termed as 'Bhum' or 'Bhoomiputra'. Mars is also regarded as the lord of fire element (अग्नितत्व) and anger (kroodh (क्रोध).
As per Hindu scriptures color, 'Red' is the symbolic color associated with the planet Mars, which also kind of adds the symbolic reference to the fire and anger element as being a symbolic color to it. Mars is also often regarded as the warlord and fad, If we talk about the Vedic astrology and in the account of one's Kundli( janampatri (birth certificate, prepared after calculating the position of planets and constellations at the time of birth of an individual).
Mars occupies the first house in the Birth report (janampatri (Kundli) In the horoscope, Mars is considered as the leading planet i.e. the lord of the Lagna (लग्न). Mars is the planetary planet of our bodies. The positioning of Mars in the Kundli gives us a hint as to how one's body structure will be will he/she will be having a lean or strong body structure and so on, All these factors are influenced by the planet Mars.
The main element in our body which is blood also has its determinant planet as Mars. Mars has a very important role in one's overall physical appearance hence it has a very significant role in one's birth report (Kundli).
Friendly Planets | Even | Enemy Planets | Sublimate | Low | Own Zodiac | The factor State | Zodiac Transit Time |
Sun, Moon and Jupiter | Venus and Saturn | Mercury | Capricorn at 28° (Twenty Eight) | Cancer at 28° (Twenty Eight degree) | Aries and Scorpio | Spontaneous | 45 Days |
If we talk about the Planet transit Mars travels (mars transit) or does Gonchar from one Zodiac to another in about 40-45 days. While Mars is transiting in the Capricon Zodiac Mars is in the most preeminent state at twenty-eight degrees (28°), at this time Mars is known to be the most fruitful and gives its best results.
On the other hand, Mars is at the lower house by twenty-eight degrees (28°) in the Cancer zodiac, during this time results can be quite painful for people with Cancer Zodiac.
In the Solar system or NavagrahaMandal the Sun, Moon, and Jupiter are known as the allied planets of Mars. Mercury is considered as an enemy planet, while Venus and Saturn are said to be in the same neutral state. The effects of Mars along with its rival enemy planets are said to be very depressing and painful.
Do you also need to know the effects of Mars’s transition on your Zodiac? Then click here
When Mars and Venus are together their combined effects result in Fornication and licentiousness and when combined with Saturn, mars results in grief (क्लेश) between the family members, allies or people around.
According to planet transit (GrahGauchar), Mars is the lord of South ( Dakshin) direction and the blood planet, also known as the causative planets of serenity, and courage.
In the third and the sixth house Mars is considered very powerful, Mars transiting at the second place in the house is abortive, wherein in the tenth and eighth house Mars transit is very effective and fruitful and when seen with Moon is considered best combination and known as shreshthbalee, which also bring in the 'Dhan Laxmi yog' (a combination resulting gaining for wealth and prosperity).
Mars planet is also considered as the acting planet for brother and sister, and this brings in great support from one's siblings during tough times. If an individual has Mars (Mangal) in the planetary position in the fourth, seventh, eighth and twelfth house in his birth report (Kundli) then he/she is said to be Manglik(मांगलिक).
Transit of Mars | Date | Time |
Aquarius | Thursday, April 07, 2022 | 03:15 PM |
Pisces | Tuesday, May 17, 2022 | 09:32 AM |
Aries | Monday, June 27, 2022 | 05:40 AM |
Taurus | Wednesday, August 10, 2022 | 09:10 PM |
Gemini | Sunday, October 16, 2022 | 06:35 AM |
Gemini retrograde | Sunday, October 30, 2022 | 06:54 PM |
Taurus retrograde | Sunday, November 13, 2022 | 08:38 PM |
Taurus | Sunday, February 12, 2023 | 10:25 AM |
Gemini | Sunday, April 12, 2023 | 02:00 AM |
Solar eclipse (Surya Grahan) in the planetary transit (Grah Gochar) is considered a very surprising astronomical event. Solar eclipse is a state of transit (Gochar), which can be seen by our naked eyes. Mankind has always been affected by the phenomenon of solar eclipse (Surya Grahan).