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tero AkashK

Charge :
₹ 15.00 / Min.
Experience :
6 year 0 months
Language: [English] [Hindi]

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<p>Welcome, this is Akash K a intuitive TAROT READER and SPIRITUAL HEALER. I have knowledge of tarot on spiritual level and as well as energy level. Every problem has a solution.&nbsp; Give your life a chance for making best out of it. I have solutions which are more easy and it can give results miraculously. I am doing tarot reading from 3 years for relationship, marriage, finance, career, goal acheivements etc. Yes, you are being divinely guided and I can help getting the clarity over everything.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>With my energy sensitivity, I can pickup the guidelines which are best for you. I use my inbuilt intuition and spiritual knowledge&nbsp; too during reading which help me in giving more detailed view of problem and solution.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I have special connection with divine energies like angels, buddha, master merlin and the creator itself. My spiritual journey started 7 years ago. I am a spiritual healer from 5 years with Mastership in Reiki, Lama Fera, Yogmaya, Angel therapy and Kundalini reiki healing. I came into tarot reading as seeking my own destiny. I am knowlegde of laws universe too which helps in giving right guidelines as per the law to acheive the maximum.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I can help in intuitive readings for relationship, career, marriage, finance, healing, future events etc. I believe that we can change and built our own destiny with right choices.</p>

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