
zodiac sign of Capricorn is going to lucky in year 2019. Especially due to the Moon with Venus in the work, you have to see something similar that you would like your career as a opportunity In 2019, this year, you are sure to give new direction to your career. In the field of family life, Rahu is in the seventh house and due to this there will be some tension and you need to pay attention to it. In the early months of the year 2019, the people of Capricorn will be upset because their expenses is likely to increase. From month of January to March, your expenses will increase so that can keep you a little worried. At this time if you lend money to someone in the period, it can prove to be harmful for you. if you save yourself from wasteful expenses, it will be better.


From April to August 2019, there could be a upgrade of your job post in this year. This will also increase your salaries and it will be time for you to relax, this time can also prove to be valueable for those who do their business. Those who want to start something new should start their work as soon as possible. Both Jupiter and Venus will be helping you.


The end of the year 2019 may bring many problems to your health. Your work and your business will be going well but you can be anxious because of your health and your family.





venus the the sign of career in sitting in your zodiac. Venus is auspicious sign to be with Moon. In terms of careers, this year will bring new heights to Capricorn. Especially for those employed, this can be called good. For those who are trying for a foreign country, this year is a strong opportunity for them. This year is also quite good for people who are doing business. The people who wanted to expand their business, this year is the best for you. If you are thinking of investing then invest,the advice of a specialist or trustworthy can prove valueable, then it will give you more benefits.





Venus Dasam of Love Life is sitting in the house with the moon. Those who are already in love affair will be able to strengthen their relationship with their beloved this year and will also be able to give each other a good time. The people who are waiting for their loved ones are also interested in their favorite partner in their life. Married life can be mutual.You have to think about where you are reducing for your partner and start improving on it. To make your relationship stronger, you must keep on trusting one another. You need to  give each other more time and try to settle.





In 2019, the planet of the Finance is sitting in the 12th house and the planet of the benefit is sitting in Mangal Parakram Bhavya. The pace of money growth is quite good this year, although you can increase it further. Do not let you lose any hard work and you need to sacrifice idleness. There is also a chance to make some big investments because if you have the planet of your benefit in Parakram, then you have to work harder and your economic life will start to grow smoothly.





If you talk about health in the year 2019, the first month of the year for health is not going to be much better. In the initial year, keep in mind for your health, Stomach and respiratory system will be the most affected area.  If you are persistent then you need to take some more care. Inside the middle of the year 2019 mars will start helping with your health. but once again at the end of the year you may face health problems once again, and at this time you will also be better of if you avoid eating outdoors.

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